Evangeline is available for: guy/girl and Girl/Girl content. Rate: Base Price plus add $50 for male/female sex $200 for Female/Female sex
Caroline Pierce
Caroline is available for most customs. Her starting rate is $150 for a 10 minute clip
Kyla Keys
Dee Williams
Dee is available for: guy/girl and Girl/Girl content. Rate: Base Price plus add $500 for male/female sex $300 for Female/Female sex
Tomiko is available for male/female and Female/Female clips. Her rate starts at $100 for a 10 minute clip
Autumn Bodell
Electra Rayne
Sarah is available ONLY with Evangeline for $300
Summer Hart
Ashley Edmonds
Jane Judge
Jane is available for both male/female and Female/Female clips but she MUST be the dominant in the clip. She does not play submissive at any point
Sydney Screams
Cupcake Sinclair
Kendra James
Kendra Comes to Vegas 5-9 times a year and is available for customs
Nadia White
Nadia Comes to Vegas 3-4 times a year and is available for customs
Constance Comes to Vegas 1-2 times a year and is available for customs
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